An inside look at how life is seen by me. You never really know what I'll think of, or why for that matter. But there's usually a rhyme and reason for it, usually.

Monday, May 01, 2006

And so it begins...

O.K., so I know how the whole blog deal works. I've had one before on both xanga and myspace accounts. However, I find that most of the people that read them have a more materialized view on them seeing as how I have created blogs on two fad websites. So because of this, I wanted to make one that I could really get deep about (with the occasional shallow topic usually pertaining to sports) that my Christian brothers and sisters could read and give me feedback.

So with this, I hope that y'all enjoy, for I try to make my writing entertaining. But I think most of all I wanted to post my deepest darkest secrets in the confidentiality of the entire world wide web, but yet I dare not let my parrents pry into my personal matters (in case you missed it, that was a joke). So as I try to explain the way I see things, with the obvious Chrstian swang on things, I hope this won't prove to be a complete waste of my time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

w00t! Sean, I can't wait for you to get this going- lots of fun man. I'll make sure to check here every time I do my morning site surf. From Sean I expect many profound thoughts, some obvious (but cool) thoughts, spiritual discussion, and at least some football and the like. Ought to be pretty good. So- uh... anyway, not much of a first comment but we can really kick up some good stuff here. See ya!

8:33 PM

Blogger Jake said...

Hey man, I just thought that I should comment on your blog. Sweet. I like it so far. Ok, so I don't really have a lot to say, so I will move on to your next post...

4:35 PM


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