Taking Summer in Stride Part 2
It's about that time, the time in which I update all of my loyal readers on the current events pertaining to my life, despite the lack of comments given to my prior post...Oh no, I'm not bitter....punks (that was a joke).
So as of last week, I found myself seeking shelter and building a smoldering fire in the upheld tradition known as "Boot Camp". Actually, the only hardships I had to endure were the antics of 13 year old boys dancing around in their sleep-wear at 7 in the morning, being abused by a tree, and simmering in a car that is not acquested to air conditioning both there and back. Other than that, I'd say it was relatively easy.
Easy. Accept for the numerous hours spent drilling and perfecting curriculum that had been layed out for us quote on quote "captains" for a few months (which really no-one prepared for until they got there...of course). But really, other than that. It was easy.
Before this turns into a complete pessimistic campaign, I want to make sure that all of you realize the real importance of that week. It's nothing that could have been evaluated, let alone improved on, for it was a beautiful moment. One that could not easily be reproduced. Some may say "Define 'beauty'.", and in that I will.
To me, when a group of umpteen teenagers who up to this point rarely even acknowledged other various members of the church, all the sudden come together in prayer as the brothers and sisters that we are and truely love eachother, it is nothing short of beauty. I can't remember the last time I had a moment as happy as that one.
Another amazing moment I experienced was the worship we all joined in on wednesday night. I never feel better than when I'm giving my all in praising God, and at the moment, my "all" was nothing short of infinite beauty (and I must say, both of which I had to borrow from God). It was awesome. And I don't mean that as the way Bill and Ted would describe a shell containing 4 peanuts, but rather in how you explain anything God does that can't be summed up...So I say it again, Awesome!
I would like to go on for a few more paragraphs about this feeling that is captivating me, and may I mention it is nothing less than divine, but I have many things to adress (for instance, a good friend of mine who just accepted Christ). But to hold y'all (for you northerners, that's the Texan term for 'you all') over until next time, here is a picture of me from a more suave-like time in my life.

Also, enjoy this geography project I made, it's sure to bring a smile to your face. Alright, until next time, stay classy kids.
let me be the first to tell u how funny and silly (stupid but we r not supposed to say that) i like it. but i did not think that Jakes car was that hot on the way back it may have been on the way there but back no did u not see mine and faith's hair the wind was blowin so i just though i would correct u on the little detail.were u sore at all today since all of those kids had a blast jumpin on u?
9:36 PM
That is really cool about your friend coming to Christ. Good work with the up-date, I feel very...up-dated...yeah. But I have to say that the fact that you not only enjoy, but post your own baby pictures on the internet slightly disturbing.
8:07 PM
Wow Sean, that video was.....amazing...incredible? Yes, I think so. And hystericle, although maybe a bit disturbing because I didn't hear it all that well and the steriods part stands out to me, because it was kinda visual. Yeah. That was on the green screen that you told me about, right? Cool beans. Well, I greatly enjoyed your update, your wit that is not always apparent (haha, just kidding pal) really shinesa through in ytour blog, I must say.
I totally agree with you about the two awesome moments at Bootcamp, I couldn't have said it better. It was amazing and will stay with me for the rest of my life.
I am proud of you for following my example of reading the dictionary! It is fun to try to talk loftily and talk over peoples heads sometimes, huh? I find in you a kindred spirit of quick-wittedness, although to think you'd ever out wit me is foolishness!!
9:28 PM
I must say- Faith finally has proved that she doesn't know the entire dictionary and doesn't check her entries over and over again. Notice steroids is spelled wrong. For that I applaud you (clap, clap, clap... silence). However you're still an evil brute, no getting past it Faith. Anyway, just thought I'd publicly admit how awesome I think the geography vid rocks. Well done Sean. Bootcamp was awesome, and I could harp on that for a while, but down to business. I agree that Jake has been quite lazy with his blog, so I have an idea to get him motivated. Keep checking it after BYBCs tommorrow and you'll see. Later all.
9:12 PM
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