Swashbucklers, Superheros, and Seanzy
So here we are in the dog-days of summer. My appetite for the freedom from school is now on a diet, and dare I say it, I'm bored. I've found myself in this state of monotony tedium multiple times within these latter days. So what does Seanzy do when he's bored? Here's a nice little quiz to get those creative juices flowing:
Do I...?
a)Hang out with friends
b)Hang out/flirt with girls
c)Go do recreational things such as watch major summer movies
d)Dude, all of the above for sure!
If you answered d) then you've successfully stated the obvious. So yeah, lately I've been filling my time with these variables. And out of all of this, I've seen two really shnazzy movies. The first of which was the much needed Return of Superman. Let me just say, that movie blew me away. I was in a trance of adrenaline-paced excitement after watching that. I wanted to grow up to be Superman, actually Batman but oh well.

And let me tell you, just when I didn't think that another movie this summer could compare, 'POTC: Dead Man's Chest' left me flat out flabbergasted, making me wish upon a star that I was a Pirate like the incredible Captain Jack Sparrow. I am greatly anticipating the final instalment in this awesome trilogy of 'Savy' entertainment. Also, I find Keira Knightley to be really really really really really attractive....Moving right along.

So now that all of those feelings of cinematic content are out of my system, I want y'all (there's that darn southern drawl again) to know my interest pertaining to next week. Backyard Bible Clubs and Summerfest, it already sounds like a blast, even though I have no idea what its like. None the less, I'm looking forward to it. I could go on longer, but I'd rather not, for I have much more to tell you in my later writings in the "Taking Summer in Stride" series. So enjoy this video of Josh...It makes me smile, and until next time, just stay out of trouble you crazy kids.
Nice. Sounds like you shouldn't be bored, but I am doing the same things (though I am not nearly as much of a flirt as you are *rolls eyes*), and I also am bored. Oh well. I have seen both those movies, and liked them alot. Superman could have had more action, and there was really not anything wrong with Pirates. I too am getting excited about the clubs this week. I can't wait to see what happens. Good work embarassing Josh and Johnny, they needed it. I will try very hard to stay out of trouble, and I am not crazy...at all. There, I have commented on all the subjects that you have here stated, thus making excelent use of the whole blogging system. Good work with the duty of entertaining all us "church bloggers", your brevity (you limiting of conversational topics) is much appreciated. What with all the movie and GA conversation going on, I really don't know how much more our sheltered and ignorant minds can handle. There, I was sarcastic also. My work here is done.
6:30 PM
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