An inside look at how life is seen by me. You never really know what I'll think of, or why for that matter. But there's usually a rhyme and reason for it, usually.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Embracing the Red Rubber Ball

Ah, it's Dodgeball season, and all is well with the world. Whether you're failing a class, in debt by a thousand dollars, or about to be hauled off to jail, how can you be upset with Saturday fast approaching?

Now I'm assuming the vast majority of you has selected that one person that you want to hit with a ball the most {cough Josh cough}, and that's fine {cough Josh cough} as long as you realize that this is only a game {cough Josh cough}. But whether you're throwing the ball or on taking a hit in the face (which is illegal of course) you will have a fantastic time.

I'd like to address your attention for a moment to Jake's wrap up of the latest series. I've informed all of you that the gears have been shifting and forcing me to reevaluate where I am spiritually, but since then I've adopted a new sample of though: With where I am spiritually, how is that affected where other's around me are spiritually? Have I been doing my part as a trendsetter, as a Christian? Some of you might already realize this, but let me tell you that people really do look to us as Christians to put their lives in perspective. They really do watch you like a hawk when they notice you're not like the world. For some odd reason to them, you're different, and they are attracted to that.

With that you must recall what Jake said about in whatever you do, give it your best. That is so true, another first hand perspective from myself. Whether it's sports, music, school, whatever, if you succeed at something then other's will notice and respect you for that. With this God gives us a 'crowbar' if you will to get involved in others' lives, thus creating a chance to reveal God's love. All of this could happen by showing them how to solve that Algebra problem, or helping them with their free throw, or (cough hitting Josh with a dodgeball cough}, etc. Don't limit yourself to mindful boundaries for God is beyond our ability to comprehend therefore there are no limitations with Him.

I want to apologize for not staying up to date with y'alls' blogs, but I've been swamped lately and hardly have time to scope out our very own Youth Pastor's. But don't think I don't care about your updates, on the contrary I find them most exciting. Alright, well I need to bring this to a close. For your entertainment is a picture of me back a year ago in another intense Dodgeball tournament. Enjoy.
Remember: Dodge, Dive, Dip, Duck, and Dodge.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A Sitcom this Life is Not

Currently I've found myself in a constant series of thinking, a good trait you can be sure. I suppose this was brought about by the recent advancements in my book and also in Box's latest series. I have been evaluating where I stand as a Christian, and the very setting of which I am placed. As of late the God has given me a truth that is "up in my face", I'm no longer protected from what the vicious world.

I say this as though it's a surpsise to me, for quite frankly it is. I've indulged the idea that life was still being spoon-fed to me and that there was no reason to look at the scenerio seriously, but that's obviously not the truth. It was only a week or so ago when two of my buddies from our little inner-circle at school spoke of going off and joining in a very distasteful act (due to the age of some of the readers, I will not inform you with this) and all the sudden it hit me...I'm growing up, and this is what the world is really like.

The points that Jake has brought up these past two weeks have been dead-on to what I've been experiencing and felt. So with that, I've spent the past week in my quiet time talking with God about whether or not I am where I should be in the influence of my friends. The shamed asnwer is that I could be doing better. I could always be doing better, yet for some reason I pretend things aren't as they seem and that everything will get better within 30 minutes just like in 'The Brady Bunch' or 'Happy Days'. These fantacies have been casted aside over the last few days, and I've all the sudden realized the amount of responcibility that God has placed before me. Guys, there's no way around it, I have a ministry in the lives of the people at James Bowie High School and I just couldn't call myself a Christian if I didn't take the oppurtunities God has placed before me.

I'm sorry for the serious tone but this is something that has been layed upon my heart. However I promise you the next one is going to be a lot funnier and brighter, so look forward to that one. Until next time guys, take to heart what Box is saying, I know he's a wierd guy and sometimes he sings kinda funny too, but God's giving him some good stuff. Alright, that's it for right now, take care.