American Dreams

This ain't my American Dream. I wanna live and die for bigger things. I'm tired of fighting for just me. This ain't my American Dream.
-Superman looking down on the justice system our country currently uses of course.
I could only hope that by now most of you realize just what a profound hatred I have against politics. Red States, Blue States, Democrats, Republicans-It all just ticks me off (to put it lightly). And if you get me going, I'll tell you why I have no faith in politics and why I'm so put off by the whole thing...In fact I'll probably put you in a severe state of depression because I'll probably suck whatever hope you had in the system right out of you. But that's not why I'm writing this. I write to you, my fellow Youth Groupians on the account of why I believe there's so much more to it all.
Now do I support Bush? Yes, he's our president, and contrary to popular belief, he hasn't done anything tyrannical or evil to revoke our support. Having said that, do I agree with everything or even half the things he does? Probably not. But I respect him none the less, 'cause he's our president you see. But I don't have faith in our system, because it's ran by a bunch of monkeys we refer to as politicians. Essentially these are usually individuals who are attracted to power the same as a moth to a flame, and most of these react to power in the same way-Frying the living geepers out of themselves and providing something for the world to look at.
But that's not too surprising is it? I mean we had it coming ever since the Israelites decided to be and demand that God give them a king. Now God being the smart guy He is, tells them how they really don't want this. But they were arrogant and demanded yet again that God bestow upon them a ruler. So God kind of sighs and grants their wish as if to mutter "Okay, but I warned you." and with that they had Saul.......DOH!........Now eventually God felt sorry for them and gave them David, but still, because they were now being ruled by one man instead of a series of judges they government was going down the drain. And here we are now, thousands of years later, paying to price because we wanted a king. Not THE KING, but an everyday man who had no form of divine influence about him. Just another dude. And this dude, along with many others started a roller coaster affect that brought the nation closer and farther from God. Eventually it only brought them farther because that's human nature to try and do our own thing.
Well the point of this history lesson is to help you understand why we're messed up. Sure we're not the most evil of all nations but we're no where near God as a whole. And this makes me sad and erases all trust I have in any government. The truth is only God can run the world perfectly and divinely, everyone else just kind of makes a big mess of things. That's why I don't support where our nation is actually at as opposed to where this nation was built to be:
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
So that's where I am. I support the troops who are fighting to keep our right to be free, even if I don't want them to be in that country, I don't want their efforts to be in vein and unsupported. And I believe in the country that we speak of every day in our pledge, the one we've yet to see at full because Christ hasn't come back yet.
I really hope this hasn't put you down too much. Because there's more hope than anything in this. Yes it's true! Did you catch that last part? Christ is coming back! Which means this muck we're in will mean nothing in the grand scheme of it all and we'll be too blessed to even think back on that. One day we will be home in a place where we belong, a place where God is King and His children are loved because no longer can politics, discrimination, world views, racism, or any other evil keep them from our Father. And that's where I find my hope-In knowing that it's not going to end this way, but rather this is only a sidestep in the end.
I'm going HOME to the place where I belong. Where your love has always been enough for me. I'm not running from, no I think you've got me all wrong. I don't regret this life chose for me, but these places and these faces are getting old. So I'm going HOME.
All I can say for now is that you need to write in white type. Until then it's not worth squinting to try and read the post.
10:53 AM
Wow nice Costume sean or maby I should call you Shawin
6:24 PM
Your Philosophy Astounds Me Sean. So update Your Blog!
3:53 PM
Yeah. Agreed. Jake and I are reading a book for school called "what if jesus had never been born", that just spent a chapter on the government system. Our government is what it is in the positive sense because of Jesus -a democracy and a free nation are great things that never would have happened except for Jesus. But people have really messed it up becuase they are now trying to do it without God - the whole rely on man's goodness deal. Doesn't work out so well. Yeah. So I'm kind of depressed by the whole thing but not too bad - worry is so futile. Ha. Yeah, that is a pretty nice costume.
7:25 PM
politics schmolitics.
6:28 AM
Wow, your angst and general and unaimed hatred at politics really makes me want to agree with your un-biased opinion there Sean (please note extreme sarcasm). Just so you know, the Israelites weren't the only people back then, and all the other nations had kings. They weren't the first. And we didn't pick a king to rule us, as Americans: we revolted against that whole form of government back in the 1700's, and what we have now is not a dictatorship, and the President is not all-powerful. America is a capatalist democracy, and the only thing I see wrong with the government (as a temporary, human institution) is that we are drifting further and further away from the standards, morals, and God apon which this nation was founded. This started as a Christian nation, and our social and moral degeneration that is now rampant can be compared with the secularization of our nation. This is not a perfect nation, never was, never will be. All will be made right when Christ returns, and every knee bows at His name.
9:29 AM
I am politically apathetic. I don't know, I don't care. So why, then, am I even commenting on this blog? I'll tell you why.....
Ok, I have no idea in the world...
8:59 AM
so...something sorta cool..."under God" wasn't really in the pledge of allegiance until 1954...sorta interesting : P tidbit people left out when supporting why it's there.
"On February 8, 1954, Rep. Charles Oakman (R-Mich.), introduced a bill to that effect. On Lincoln’s birthday, four days later, Oakman made the following speech on the floor of the House:
Last Sunday, the President of the United States and his family occupied the pew where Abraham Lincoln worshipped. The pastor, the Reverend George M. Docherty, suggested the change in our Pledge of Allegiance that I have offered [as a bill]. Dr. Docherty delivered a wise sermon. He said that as a native of Scotland come to these shores he could appreciate the pledge as something more than a hollow verse taught to children for memory. I would like to quote from his words. He said, 'there was something missing in the pledge, and that which was missing was the characteristic and definitive factor in the American way of life.' Mr. Speaker, I think Mr. Docherty hit the nail square on the head. "
im with jason...but more along the lines of - i dont know enough to care., i want to care but my lack of knowledge prevents me from caring.
11:26 AM
Sean needs to update his blog!
3:33 PM
Well said.
6:13 PM
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