So in keeping y'all updated, I have found myself at a crossroads. It's not a recent discovery, more something that has been boiling over since the beginning of summer.
As some might already realize, I have been wrestling for quite a while (4 years to be exact). Having said that, it's clear to me that this is a factor in a decision that must be made this year. In about 3 weeks I will I have to decide whether I will choose to pursue my career in wrestling or if I am to go on to other things, most likely music and things of that area.
Again, because I have wrestled for 4 solid years, and have even found myself at the national level once, the dilemma is so hard for me. Should I choose wrestling I will shut the doors on other such opportunities and I'm not sure I'm quite willing to give into that either.
Why would I choose music? Well I have found so far in my trying to understand the ancient language, that when I am involved in music, and most importantly worship, I feel the closest to God as I can ever be. I feel that when I'm worshiping I'm standing right next to God and there are no limitations to our relationship. I feel like nothing else matters, like the world has no control on my life. Music in general has opened my thinking and perspective to a whole new level. It's given me the ability to be bold, to be optimistic, even clever.
Why wrestling? The past 4 years have shaped who I am today. Through the countless hours drilling, sweating, bleeding, at times even crying, I've gained a discipline that cannot be mocked. I have gained self-respect and learned the true value of winning. I can in many ways evaluate and predict the psychological, and I see when I am relied on when it's most important that I succeed. I have no question that I would not be the person I am today had it not been for the sport. As far as a spiritual connection, God has given me confidence and the ability to stand up for what I believe in. Never once have I looked back and thought what would have happened had I gone another way.
Perhaps you see why I've lost sleep over this issue many nights in a row at times. Maybe you have a better view of something I debate daily. All I ask is that you could keep me in your prayers. I have no question God will use one of these roads to further His glory through me, but I am very in the dark as to which one. Oh why must there be life decisions?
A pic of me last year wrestling...Yeah that was against Austin High you Maroons. And I beat him.

I will definitely be praying for you, callabunga. I love how when you said "you maroons", to me it read "you morons"!
7:21 AM
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