An inside look at how life is seen by me. You never really know what I'll think of, or why for that matter. But there's usually a rhyme and reason for it, usually.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Swimming for 'Dippin' Dots'

With a much needed trip to Schlitterbahn comes a much needed review of events from Your's Truely. In the midst of all the water, sunburn, food, and fellowship a lot of fun was had (by all, dare I say it). It wasn't just a trip to Shlitterbahn it was The Trip to Schlitterbahn!...Okay, maybe that's a little over the top, but you get the idea. There's something about hanging out with people from our church that just makes it even better.

The day started off with a bang...litterally, as one of our own in the caravan blew a tire. Fortunately the minivan was steered to safety and nobody sustained injuries. Hope was still not diminished for Gordan was there, and let's face it, that guy could manhandle a lion. So before long the situation was temporarily sustained. It was at this point in time when I noticed that the beginning Jake Box's day was singing flat, so I took the initiative to cheer him up. It wouldn't be long before he was singing a sweeter song.

Thus the moment came when we arrived at the German-named water park. Spirits were high, and laughter could yet again be heard...again, I realize the over-kill. First thing was first, I needed to get wet. So in our little Fellowship of 7 set out to enjoy the first part of the day and destroy the one ring symbolizing the arrival of scho**.

Lunch passed and at this point it was time to venture the Torrent and place a fierce game of tag. This was the innitiation of our little 7th graders, and it was fantastic. The rest of the day was basically sheer fun as was the first half and the details are sketchy, but other than waiting in line for 2 hours on the Master Blaster, all was well. But the key point here is I enjoyed 'Dippin' Dots' for the first time in my life. I am officially now ready to go see Jesus, but I guess I'll stay for the time being.

The day wouldn't find itself complete before I performed my hand motions to various songs on the radio on the car ride home, all of this done just to say to summer "We're not finished yet!" Yes, we made a valiant stand against the merciless arrival of scho**, and a great time it was. Now I realize this really isn't one of my better posts, and for that I apologize. Rest assure though, I will come back with a much wittier and better prepared piece of literature. But until next time, take it from me, use sunscreen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man- I can't believe you've never had Dippin' Dots before. Crazy... well Shliterbahn was great, and I've never really looked at it the way you presented it, as a last Hurah against scho**. I like it though. So yeah, your whole hand motion thing to the music at the end of the day, I'm not sure if your always like that or if you were just tired. Not sure what to think about the hand motions either. Well, that's all I've got.


9:04 AM

Blogger Jonathan said...

Comment. I commented Sean. I hope that this makes you happy. I think that Shliterbahn was fun. The End.


9:43 AM

Blogger faith said...

I witnessed tha bang firsthand, and that was sure exciting. Schlitterbahn is cool, but I made an important discovery this trip: water parks just aren't up my alley. I go for the thrill stuff, and at schlitterbahn there is just no sense of thrill; except, of course, that feeling when you FINALLY get to the end of the line. A small part of me is sorry I missed the hand motions and dancing to the radio, but that part is very small. OK, I am very happy that your education has been moved along this summer with your first taste of dippin dots, they are pretty sweet! ok, toodles.

9:36 AM


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