Beards Are Itchy: A Summary of My Trip to Arkansas
I tell you the truth, these lips...Or fingers won't lie, I have been working on my beard for the past two weeks. I did this simply because I found myself in the 'Natural State' for a week and thought it would help me blend in. Now you can laugh and poke fun at the lack of size my proud little beard is but none the less, it is no longer just 'peach fuzz'. Here's a picture to prove its existence:

Now the wrap up of Arkansas isn't that I've been growing a beard, however you might thing the excitment doesn't get much better than that, I will assure you rather that there is some more pizazz than stereotyped. Why, I'll have you know that I went horse-back riding (which, beleive it or not, I alread knew how to do), almost went to see Jesus via a four-wheeler, learned how to ice-skate for the second time, had plenty of time to reflect and write thoughts on life down in a book I'm writing, and watch a lot of 'Everybody Loves Raymond'. Top that!
I will not lead you astray, Arkansas is nothing worth comparing to the Promise Land of Texas, but it's a nice, sleepy, little part of the country that has view that's pleasent to take in. In this small state, I went to the even smaller area of Damascus-no relation to Biblical references. One of the coolest parts of this trip was that I got to catch up and hang out with an old friend of mine who is from Austin as well. During this vacation, I had plenty of time to focus and work on writing. As I mentioned earlier, I started my book, which is nowhere near ready. But for the sake of sport, I'll tell you that is has to do with my Middle School years and I've completed the prolouge and first chapter. To be honest, I really shouldn't even be mentioning it, but whatever.
I'm making a point to keep this post rather short and upbeat to compensate for the last one which was a little intense even for me to write. In the end the week was long and short at the same time, four-wheelers can hurt if not careful, and 'Raymond' is still funny even in re-runs. So until next time, remember(for you guys) to shave your facial hair consistantly or else it's gonna get scraggly and itchy.
well let me be the first to post a comment. i do agree guys must shave i have no experince though so what ever.but i can top your trip my trip to arkansas was much better. for proof read my blog. well i am taking up space noew so that ist looks like i had alot to say but who know i am having fun well i should probably stop now so T.T.F.N see you tomorrow
9:07 PM
Sounds pretty sweet man. If you kept that thing much longer something might start growing in it. Might not want to risk that- you still have a lot of years left. So I'll see you later today, can't wait to hear the details. I can't decide who's trip sounded cooler. Later.
6:07 AM
Yeah so, Arkansas still sounds...quiet. As for the facial hair, I am contemplating getting some chops. I think that would be sweet. But your quantum physics is kinda mind boggling: your saying that the length of facial hair is directly proportional to the use and frequency of use of a razor on said facial hair? I had never really thought about it. I always thought that the whole razor thing was just for fun, and that the hair just disappeared, for some reason, after you shaved. I didn't ever think they were related. Ok, I'm done...
12:02 PM
Sean, you are a neck-cracking, flip-flop-smelling freak.
9:33 AM
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