An inside look at how life is seen by me. You never really know what I'll think of, or why for that matter. But there's usually a rhyme and reason for it, usually.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Praises to a King

So last night I attended the 'Concert of Praise' therefore making my first experience in the Great Adventure complete.

I must say, coming into this summer I was skeptical about the whole concept of Great Adventure. I've had some brushes with failed VBS weeks and so really I thought this was overkill. But none the less, I participated, having some curiousity to what everyone already knew to be a meaningful and rewarding experience. I'll be flat out honest, it was one of the most Amazing experiences I've ever felt in my life. Seeing those children excited to learn about Jesus, seeing the numbers of decisions to recieve Christ, seeing the aftermath of what we worked so hard for. It makes you want to cry and praise God all at the same time. I'm pretty sure there was an equal share of both.

One of the best things about last night, was seeing Jeremy again. Seeing the loving, happy kid he's become. That's truely God, nothing else can be said. If it wasn't for me lifting and holding all the little ones upside down, I might have stopped and filled up with tears. But you can be sure I had my hands full with the distractions of all the younger Leydens and whatnot.

The point of all this is that God is Awesome. His love is something to continually praise like we did last night. I realize that it'll be harder to get into that kind of a mood when the school years starts, but it's something we should strive for anyways, for God is good and His love never diminishes.

Having said all this, I came across a video which really touched me. I had heard the story before of a severely mentally challenged young man who wanted to compete in a triathalon, so his father trained extra hard to be able to take both of them threw the whole race. This touching story is just one of many that proves with God anything can be accomplished, just like The Great Advenutre.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Concert of Praise was AWESOME! It's cool to see all that went on during the GA, and then to just step back and realize that it's not us doing all of this- that it's God. To praise Him for doing something this awesome really is incredible. That's a pretty sweet story and video too- nice.


11:24 AM

Blogger faith said...

Well, it was my first time to participate in the Great Adventure too. Wow. I thought I knew what to expect, but I was blown away again and again, especially at the concert of praise. That has always been one of my favorite times of year, and it is always awesome. But this year I had totally new appriciation for those videos, and I had my own personal reasons to praise God with tears in my eyes - I had seen firsthand in BYBCs, my summer, and the last year that GOD IS AWESOME. And that is a pretty cool feeling. So who can't wait til next year?!

9:42 AM


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