An inside look at how life is seen by me. You never really know what I'll think of, or why for that matter. But there's usually a rhyme and reason for it, usually.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Story Entry #1: The Art of Dating

So check it out, it was the end of freshman year and I had been going a while without falling for anyone, for the time that was impressive you can be sure. Anyways there in my English class there was this cute girl, who shall remain anonymous, and for some reason because of the banquet (Story #2) I had gotten to know a little more formally.

She was friendly and smart, very pretty, and I was being very flirty (I know, I know, it's hard to believe!). So each day I'd talk to her a little more, and so on and so forth. Well one day we had this class ballot of different titles to give to classmates such as "Drama Queen", or "Most friendly". But the one that got me was "Most Dateable". Well you know who I put down, but the big news was that I learned how she had put my name down for that exact same spot as well.

My heart skipped....

.....Really fast.

Anyways, I made the mistake of telling a less reliable source and that source happened to be a 'Silver Star' with my love-interest. To cut to the point, she told my crush and that was bad, 'cause I hate it when other people tell before I get to do it myself. The good news is that my crush responded with a blush and a smile. The bad news, I had to keep it from being awkward.

So here's the conclusion of the story: When I had heard that she smiled upon hearing my secret, I was very optimistic. I had a swagger in my step that day to English, and nothing would break me....Well, almost nothing.

As I was walking to class I saw my crush in the arms of another guy and wanted to pretty much die at that moment. Most of you have never been fortunate enough to see me embarrassed for I'm rather to stupid most of the time to notice/care, but that was pretty much the Superbowl of anguish right there before 8th period. Yeah, it sucked.

I was recalling the event the next day to my good friend Eli. I remember saying to him "Man, if I had known she was dating someone I would have never had to go through that kind of public humiliation. I mean, did you know she was dating him?"

"Yep." He replied.

What a punk. He knew and he never told me. "What's the deal bud!?!"

"I guess I figured you already figured it out."

Well obviously I didn't. And that's what makes it funny. My own friend knew and never shared that important little detail. Looking back though, I can share a laugh or two for it makes a good story. Me and the girl are friends now-and I have no intentions of hooking-up with her mind you. But it was worth telling. Now TOP THAT!


Blogger Krista said...

Sean, your story has already been topped by Colin and Jason. You need more details, you have to wrap me up into the story. I want to feel you feeling the pain of getting your heart stomped on. I want to weep as I read your story of how love did you wrong. I want to laugh at your silly 9th grade love stories. I want you to write a better story. I expect more. Not trying to be harsh I just know you can do better. Don't act like this is the kind of good story contest, this is the Greatest Story ever contest. So bring it.

7:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute Sean...

6:39 AM

Blogger Kayle said...

I know how that feels. A similar thing happened to me last year. but a friend was gained thru all that humiliation and what not.


7:23 PM


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