Story Entry #2: When The Three Boys Cried
Ah yes, time fore 2 out of 3. I've been trying to think of the perfect 'second-best' story to write for a while, and this one seemed to romance it's way to the blog...Excuse the metaphor.
It was a Friday Night of October-similar to that of the 13th, but it lacked those superstitious qualities in that it was merely a day off from that of so called 'bad-luck'. As I was saying, there was an intense storm brewing early in the evening and would soon be accompanied by the sure thing of thunderous claps and blinding flashes. Well two of my buddies Carlos and Eli were staying over at my house after a Bowie football game (which they actually won, believe it or not). Most of the evening was spent playing Madden, watching Conan, and being three troubled 15-year-olds. Finally, our good time was restrained by the human limitation known as 'being tired', and with that we decided to go get some shut-eye somewhere around 3 in the morning.
Well this storm had been orbiting for a while now and had intensified greatly from the initial arrival, and we were just about to turn off the television when there was a earth-shaking jolt, followed by the immediate surge and loss of power. My first and only response was to just go to sleep and let everything just happen, and so we tried...Kinda.
From the decline of our conversation I realized I was falling into a much needed deep sleep and was quite content when the loudest antagonist of silence clap was heard out-side. I jolted awake and came onto high-alert and was accompanied by Carlos and Eli. Trying to dismiss the impact we calmed eachother down with a conversation of reassurance. But this was in vein for about 30 seconds later we heard and felt a banging impact on the very house we were in. We were convinced someone had just busted down the door...And we were afraid.
Now what would you do in this situation? Well I assure you a brave man like Gordon would simply make a proclamation that he was in the house and the intruder would wet himself and make a dash for the next county; others like Box might sing the 'Aggie War-Hymn' and pretend that A&M will beat Texas and fall asleep.-However, we lacked such courage. Yes, three boys; a wrestler, a 6'2''-200 lb. Basketball player, and a guy with super long hair were about ready to accompany any of Gordon's intruders and wet ourselves very badly. So with that, our reaction was, and I kid you not, to sing 'Amazing Grace' approximately 3 times through. This was concluded by a timid prayer from me asking our dear Heavenly Father for protection. Bravery was a distant thought by this point.
It got worse. Suddenly, we heard the sounds of someone climbing up the stairs in a staggered pace. We could hear death and with each footstep another scene of our previous 15 years was played before our eyes. It was at this point that I, the bravest of the bunch, came up with a plan of retaliation to this tyranny. I conjured up a quick game plan and dug into my closet for 3 of the best improved weapons present. So I handed carlos and Eli my two lightsabers from my childhood and held tightly to my Randall aluminum baseball bat. We were read for this invader, whoever he be. It was at this point that the steps had grown tremendously more violent and with the new-found spurge of adrenaline we flung open the door and leaped out!
The cat just sat there with a questioned stare and a sharp-tongued meow.
We "pretty much" (that was for you Faith and Box) felt like the biggest losers in all of the greater Austin area and tried to calculate what went wrong in the mental process. When the sun came up I checked outside only to find that our knocking down of the front door was a shudder that had escaped during the storm via rather large gusts of wind. With that, all the features of this night were accounted for, that is except for our dignity. In fact, we made a vow that night that we wouldn't dispense this information to anyone...Yeah I kind of broke that just now. But it was in good cause to educate you in such matter. But at least when a real burglar comes in, we'll know what not to do.
You are a disturbed individual...
5:28 AM
That is an amazing story. Amazing Grace. I will laugh about that for years to come. I cannot wait to sing that to you this Wednesday as you try to catch the football. You are a man though for telling that story. I think i would have kept that to myself. But I'm glad you didn't. Excellent.
8:48 AM
that was hilarious, sean. Iam much more impressed with this story than the last one, but I'm not too sure that I would want you protecting ME in a storm. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that you will never live this one down, and I hope you tell Eli and Carlos that everyone will sing amazing grace to them from now on, hahahaa. You are just hilarious.
10:30 AM
Oh dignity, how I miss you.
Oh wait, I still have mine unlike Sean.
12:36 PM
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