An inside look at how life is seen by me. You never really know what I'll think of, or why for that matter. But there's usually a rhyme and reason for it, usually.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Have We Reached the End of a Fad?

I hate to say it fellow bloggerians, but we had a good thing going and as I'm sure you're now aware, we are on the downfall of what was "The Great Days of Blogging". Holding a similar pattern of that of the Romans, we as bloggers got lazy and let our profound empire decline at a rather expressive rate.

Now I realize that I too am to blame, for I started off with a fire to keep you all informed on the habits and days of yours truly, but forgot my roots and let all that tedium of school and extra curricular activities turn me into a lethargic blogger. Oh it's been so long since I could feel the hatred of Brian, the "Sunday Morning Follow-Up Super Column" from Box, or waste my time reading something Baker would write about pigs and whatnot. And let me tell you friends, it's a sad state I must confess, but it's reality to be sure.

But do not let these dank days bring you down, for there is hope beyond these shades of grey. I, Seanzy, have not hung up my hat in writing; no not one bit. In fact, I'm hard at work on the final few chapters of the book I've been working on for some time now - Thus you may continue to update your memories with my opinions and concerns and all the things that define me as an author and writer. Also, Box has a cool new blog setup, I'm not sure if that means anything, but it looks freaken' sweet I must say. So there my friends, two optimistic reason as to why the days will continue in the world of online and multimedia penmanship....Oh and have I mentioned that summer is just around the corner, meaning plenty of time and opportunities to get back into the swing of things....Oh happy day!

So is it the end of a fad? I say nay, for hope is still waiting for just the right moment to "wow" us all again in online blogging. Maybe I've fallen behind the times (or advanced depending on your perspective), but I assure you that as long as Brian hates pop-culture, that as long as Colin titles himself a "Geek", as long as Jake Franklin looks like a hippy there will be online blogging. Yes my friends, it's like pogs regenerated itself as a culture of computed diaries.

I feel as though this post only opens the doors for many more in the future (as soon as time presents itself to me), and with that I bring this one to a conclusion with great optimism. I'm Seanzy, and according to me, this is philosophy thus far.

And one last thing; it's time to go back to the "Kudo System"...We got a little too generous with them and had to put it all on a temporary stand-still, but I'm pleased to announce it's return, starting with this post. And just so that things don't get too slack around here, I shall enforce the "Kudo Tally System" which does simply as it states. This way you can brag about how many or how few kudos you've earned amongst your fellow peers. Just to make things fair, I shall assign a few more designated distributors of Kudos within the near future. For now, take your first shot as earning a pair by answering the following question*:

Why is Sean so happy?

*Rules subject to change. Up to 5 correct participants will receive the first 10 kudos.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps its because of the sweet all-nighter coming up or the thought that Box might actually shave his head, or possibly because you might have just renewed the vows that we made upon entering this blogging fad (hopefully). I for one would be very happy about spring break as it quickly approaches, but I guess I can only dream of a spring break that is actually a break. Alas, college is kicking my butt again.

7:23 AM

Blogger faith said...

Let me see. Seanzy is happy because he is going out with someone. Or, because he is has just spent 30 minutes being witty and profound, and is now dwelling on his own intense wittiness. Or, because he got to see me less than 24 hours ago. Or becuase he is the only one who can distribute kudos and doesn't yet know that he could be the only one who cares/remembers what kudos are. I would say he has a lot of things to be happy about.

7:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But get real! Sean is probably just happy about his new girlfriend.

7:40 AM

Blogger Krista said...

Sean is happy about his new girlfriend. Give me some kudos! I am going to start tracking my kudos on my blog. We need to make a rule on how many kuddos we have and stuff. Help me out Sean. Is this going to be the new honor points? All I know is that I am in. Anyway, nice blog sir. Glad you enjoy my new super blog. Now you need to comment on the Gathering part of it and give me some feedback. Help a brother out. If you do I will give you a kudos.

7:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He has a girlfriend?
Whats her name?

2:12 PM

Blogger Jake said...

I say that Seanzy is happy because he just bought some island off the cost of New Zealand and is now co-dictator with me and my army of purple flying monkies!

7:33 PM

Blogger Brian said...

Her name is Helga Van Tater Tot. Sorry Sean, I just can't squeeze out much of anything comment wise lately.

10:17 AM

Blogger Jake H said...

Angry evles took my kidney!!! Sean is happy because this happened to me, not him.

And 1 kudo to Sean for blogging for the first time in quite a while. I agree with Box, BRING BACK KUDOS!!! That would be cool.

8:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know why you are happy Sean! Because you still like,


7:56 PM

Blogger Jonathan said...


6:54 PM

Blogger Cluck said...

I know why Sean is happy; Because he gets to see me again at Boot Camp!

9:00 AM


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