Story Entry #3: Eli
I realize there must be a lot of hype going into this entry, seeing as how it's the finale of my entries as well as the fact that I put a lot of talk into it. Well I'm here to say right now, that writing this, while it may be an official entry, is not for competition, rather I want to show you a side of me you'd otherwise probably not find. Should I lose, then oh well, at least I know I'll be the first in our group to write a book...Yeah. And thus, the story we've all been anticipating.
I cannot tell you how many times I've stared Death in the face...Well alright, maybe I can, but there were a lot of instances in which I merely did or witnessed someone making a 'prank call', if you will, to Death and hanging up before the punchline. Something like that. Anyways one episode of such a caliber was early one morning this past Summer when I was running with my sister Megan. Now it was relatively cool, seeing as how it was only 7 in the morning, and she and I were going at an easy pace. But all the sudden the sun came out and punished everything in its presence with the smoldering effects of such an event. Well Megan had not been properly hydrated and I turned around just to see her collapse. For those of you who don't know, I am extremely close to my sister, and would easily take a bullet for her (not to mention the rest of my family). So you can be sure I was immensely concerned. I immediately picked her up and took her to the nearest house (which fortunately happened to be Carlos') and made sure she was properly hydrated. When she gathered herself together I insisted on calling our parents and getting her to the hospital, but Megan wouldn't have it and insisted she was fine.
Now I don't question that many of you have had encounters very similar to this, but mind you, this is only a set up for my relationship with Death. To tell the whole story I need to give you a quick background on me and Eli (no, not the one from my last story, but a much contrasting friend).
Eli grew up with a hard life from day one. He's constantly shuffled around from drug dealing relatives, criminal background cousins, and with the aggressive presence of gang activity. So how do I know him? Good question. You see, he and I were at another church's youth group for a period of time and I had met him for the first time at a lock-in. The rather unfortunate part of this was that we were both tired and cranky by the conclusion of the event, and I had no clue who this guy was. Needless to say we got off on the wrong foot...In other words he was actually willing to, in a politer term, beat the living tar out of me. Well when I heard that and I heard about his shady background I became rather paranoid having no idea what kind of execution I just ordered.
Skip ahead a few weeks.
We were at a camp retreat one night. Now Eli having a very broken family, had a prayer for his mother during group time. Despite the fact that he and I had become enemies, God compelled me to openly voice a prayer for him and his mother's behalf. After this, much to my amazement, Eli came up to me and gave me a 'cool style' hug* and were cool after that. The very next night, after the service, Eli came to Christ! How awesome is that? There's no question God was mingling in our conflicts just to prove His glory...But then again, what else is new? Let me tell you, ever since then, me and Eli have been very close. I can't tell you how many times we've stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking about God and just solidifying our brotherhood. Which basically he is a brother to me...A Mexican brother, but a brother none the less.
*A huge consisting of a one-arm embrace. The other is in a suave-like hand shake. These elements make-up the very 'gangster' style and popular method amongst most public school students as of 2003.
With that now you know our background. But what you don't know is what we've been through. Upon entering into a friendship with Eli I realized that I wouldn't be so sheltered anymore. This thought came upon me pretty quick when I was over at his house and right outside gunshots went of for a long period of time. Now seeing as how this was my first time in this situation I was very afraid, as I'm sure you can imagine, but it wouldn't be the only time. No, no, no, by the third time I became a slight bit more accustomed to it; bothered of course, that such act of hatred goes on, but understanding of the life Eli lived for 17 years. However, this wasn't the most intense moment in our friendship. That time was one I never wish to repeat again.
Eli's past had a hard time letting go of him, even though he gladly gave it up. There was one night were a group of old enemies of his from Odessa came down to Manchac, Texas looking for him. Fortunately he was over at my house and I was able to get a hold of these guys before anything went down. Even though I didn't lie, I lead them to believe Eli was nowhere to be found in Manchac (which he wasn't for he was safe in Austin) and sent them on there way back to Odessa before they were able to carry through on a death threat. That was a time that demanded much prayer.
And prayer is what's gotten us past all the hazards of his background. Prayer is what has kept him and I together and is what is keeping him safe to this day here in Austin. God has been very loving and gracious with us, and I've been very blessed to have such a friendship.
Now I don't mean to go on much longer. But I just thought you'd like to know a little bit more about yours truly. Alright guys stay out of trouble and congratulations to whoever wins the contest.