So Finally I Shaved....
No no my friends, your eyes do not deceive you. I have truly done away with my wooly days, for the moment. And I must say, it feels pretty good. I can't remember the last time I could feel a breeze or the hot Texas sun beat down on my baby-smooth face. Truly a pleasant feeling. Ah yes, I have missed these days for a while. Anyways, I realize that the majority of y'all will not get to see this dramatic change until Sunday or so, therefore I have decided to post the following picture taken the day of my shave (this past Thursday) before calm before the storm of 'The Face formerly known with a Beard'. Oh yeah, I got my hair trimmed too, but it's not quite as big a change as the whole beard part, so yeah.

Having said all of that, this week has been a casual stroll back into the routine. I have familiarized myself with all my teachers and classes, discovered for what to watch out for what to watch, and I've been having a good time doing it. Above all things though I hope my influence has truly been a positive one reflecting Christ-like love, but in this matter there is always room for improvement. I just want to be able and say at the end of the year I made my time at Bowie worth it and made a difference. To this I rely on God, and to Him alone...And maybe also a bit on my closer friends.
Life is good...Frustrating for moments at a time, but never the less it's good. I look forward to hopefully attending the mission trip to Piedras Negras, I want to be able and make a positive impact globally and Christian-like. Finally my Spanish will be put to good use. But seriously though, I am very much excited to be a part of what God's doing anywhere in the world, and I think this will be a great opportunity to strengthen my Walk.
Well other than the daily running to school, going through 8 periods strait, and then the allotted study time at home, I find that school is very fun...In fact, if it weren't for the homework, I would absolutely love school...If only it weren't for the homework. Alright you crazy kids, you need to stop reading and attend to your studies and whatnot, so I'm going to bring this one home. In the mean time, please remember, Trix are for kids.