An inside look at how life is seen by me. You never really know what I'll think of, or why for that matter. But there's usually a rhyme and reason for it, usually.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Have We Reached the End of a Fad?

I hate to say it fellow bloggerians, but we had a good thing going and as I'm sure you're now aware, we are on the downfall of what was "The Great Days of Blogging". Holding a similar pattern of that of the Romans, we as bloggers got lazy and let our profound empire decline at a rather expressive rate.

Now I realize that I too am to blame, for I started off with a fire to keep you all informed on the habits and days of yours truly, but forgot my roots and let all that tedium of school and extra curricular activities turn me into a lethargic blogger. Oh it's been so long since I could feel the hatred of Brian, the "Sunday Morning Follow-Up Super Column" from Box, or waste my time reading something Baker would write about pigs and whatnot. And let me tell you friends, it's a sad state I must confess, but it's reality to be sure.

But do not let these dank days bring you down, for there is hope beyond these shades of grey. I, Seanzy, have not hung up my hat in writing; no not one bit. In fact, I'm hard at work on the final few chapters of the book I've been working on for some time now - Thus you may continue to update your memories with my opinions and concerns and all the things that define me as an author and writer. Also, Box has a cool new blog setup, I'm not sure if that means anything, but it looks freaken' sweet I must say. So there my friends, two optimistic reason as to why the days will continue in the world of online and multimedia penmanship....Oh and have I mentioned that summer is just around the corner, meaning plenty of time and opportunities to get back into the swing of things....Oh happy day!

So is it the end of a fad? I say nay, for hope is still waiting for just the right moment to "wow" us all again in online blogging. Maybe I've fallen behind the times (or advanced depending on your perspective), but I assure you that as long as Brian hates pop-culture, that as long as Colin titles himself a "Geek", as long as Jake Franklin looks like a hippy there will be online blogging. Yes my friends, it's like pogs regenerated itself as a culture of computed diaries.

I feel as though this post only opens the doors for many more in the future (as soon as time presents itself to me), and with that I bring this one to a conclusion with great optimism. I'm Seanzy, and according to me, this is philosophy thus far.

And one last thing; it's time to go back to the "Kudo System"...We got a little too generous with them and had to put it all on a temporary stand-still, but I'm pleased to announce it's return, starting with this post. And just so that things don't get too slack around here, I shall enforce the "Kudo Tally System" which does simply as it states. This way you can brag about how many or how few kudos you've earned amongst your fellow peers. Just to make things fair, I shall assign a few more designated distributors of Kudos within the near future. For now, take your first shot as earning a pair by answering the following question*:

Why is Sean so happy?

*Rules subject to change. Up to 5 correct participants will receive the first 10 kudos.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

American Dreams

This ain't my American Dream. I wanna live and die for bigger things. I'm tired of fighting for just me. This ain't my American Dream.

-Superman looking down on the justice system our country currently uses of course.

I could only hope that by now most of you realize just what a profound hatred I have against politics. Red States, Blue States, Democrats, Republicans-It all just ticks me off (to put it lightly). And if you get me going, I'll tell you why I have no faith in politics and why I'm so put off by the whole thing...In fact I'll probably put you in a severe state of depression because I'll probably suck whatever hope you had in the system right out of you. But that's not why I'm writing this. I write to you, my fellow Youth Groupians on the account of why I believe there's so much more to it all.

Now do I support Bush? Yes, he's our president, and contrary to popular belief, he hasn't done anything tyrannical or evil to revoke our support. Having said that, do I agree with everything or even half the things he does? Probably not. But I respect him none the less, 'cause he's our president you see. But I don't have faith in our system, because it's ran by a bunch of monkeys we refer to as politicians. Essentially these are usually individuals who are attracted to power the same as a moth to a flame, and most of these react to power in the same way-Frying the living geepers out of themselves and providing something for the world to look at.

But that's not too surprising is it? I mean we had it coming ever since the Israelites decided to be and demand that God give them a king. Now God being the smart guy He is, tells them how they really don't want this. But they were arrogant and demanded yet again that God bestow upon them a ruler. So God kind of sighs and grants their wish as if to mutter "Okay, but I warned you." and with that they had Saul.......DOH!........Now eventually God felt sorry for them and gave them David, but still, because they were now being ruled by one man instead of a series of judges they government was going down the drain. And here we are now, thousands of years later, paying to price because we wanted a king. Not THE KING, but an everyday man who had no form of divine influence about him. Just another dude. And this dude, along with many others started a roller coaster affect that brought the nation closer and farther from God. Eventually it only brought them farther because that's human nature to try and do our own thing.

Well the point of this history lesson is to help you understand why we're messed up. Sure we're not the most evil of all nations but we're no where near God as a whole. And this makes me sad and erases all trust I have in any government. The truth is only God can run the world perfectly and divinely, everyone else just kind of makes a big mess of things. That's why I don't support where our nation is actually at as opposed to where this nation was built to be:

One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

So that's where I am. I support the troops who are fighting to keep our right to be free, even if I don't want them to be in that country, I don't want their efforts to be in vein and unsupported. And I believe in the country that we speak of every day in our pledge, the one we've yet to see at full because Christ hasn't come back yet.

I really hope this hasn't put you down too much. Because there's more hope than anything in this. Yes it's true! Did you catch that last part? Christ is coming back! Which means this muck we're in will mean nothing in the grand scheme of it all and we'll be too blessed to even think back on that. One day we will be home in a place where we belong, a place where God is King and His children are loved because no longer can politics, discrimination, world views, racism, or any other evil keep them from our Father. And that's where I find my hope-In knowing that it's not going to end this way, but rather this is only a sidestep in the end.

I'm going HOME to the place where I belong. Where your love has always been enough for me. I'm not running from, no I think you've got me all wrong. I don't regret this life chose for me, but these places and these faces are getting old. So I'm going HOME.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Commercialism is a Real Grinch 2.0

Oh yes it's been a while. I can't remember the last time I posted an entry....Well actually I can 'cause it kind of shows the date...But you know what I mean. Now I'm sure some of you have questions for me, such as: "Hey Sean, what the heck is '2.0' supposed to mean?" or "Hey Sean, why does Jake Box smell funny?"-Just kidding about that one...(Hopefully he won't notice). Well let me answer the first question right quick, 2.0 is obviously better than 1.0, this is the one thing we actually learned from AOL back in its 'heyday'. So it's no wonder that I'd give you the better version for a post. I chose 2.0 for I'd already written 1.0 on my facebook account, but due to the fact that some of those readers are less susceptible to my faith-oriented opinions, I thought I'd give y'all the cream of the crop as I always strive to do. Just because I like y'all more. No, no, it's true, y'all are a classy bunch. But now we must move on, here are my current thoughts on Christmas.

I won't lie to you, since I was but a young wipper-snapper I've been infactuated by the timeless holiday. The very feel of the season with all it's music, decorations, food, and TOYS. All of it had this unusually awesome attraction to me, and why wouldn't it? Each day I waited for Jolly Old Saint Nick just made my excitement grow that much more, only to feel saddened December 26th when all of it was over. And thus, that's pretty much how Christmas went for me...Back then. As I got older the story changed. When I could finally reflect more on this date my thoughts expanded and formed the eventual thoughts expanded upon and formed by yours truly. You see, I have a slight problem with it all right now. And you might perceive me as a Scrooge for it, but let me explain myself.

Christmas is no where near what it should be. There. I said it. And I said it for somewhere down the line 'They*' got a hold of it and manipulated it to remove all Spiritual connection. Somehow the economy played its cards and confused a society to why we even celebrate Christmas in the firt place. The evidence is obvious when even the half-truth of it all (Being that Christmas is a time for giving and community with family and friends and loving eachother, not to mention donating some cash in the red bucket) has been erased by commercialism's campaign to make a lot of money. There's nothing wrong with giving, it's the price tag and connotation that makes my stomach upset. But even my sensitive stomach goes beyond that, for this is hardly anything than the number time has done on the real concept of Christmas.
*Best Buy, Circiut City, Wal-Mart, J.C. Penny's, Kohls, Target; just a few of the big names upon an endless list.

As any of y'all know, Christmas was the day we chose to commemorate Christ's birth. And as I'm sure you're aware of, He's kind of a big deal in the Christian faith, so we choose to celebrate big time. And this is the sum of any Sunday School lesson: Christmas is about Jesus' birthday....YEEEEAAAHHH!.......But even that falls short of the truth to some degree. That's not the only reason we celebrate and this is where many churches have done their part in complicating the story. Let me give the quick 101 here.

Christ came down to earth humbly, as a child born of a virgin-Christmas. He grew up and lived a perfect life, did many great and wonderful miracles to further prove God's presence. After the world had had a good thing going for 33 years we killed Him, and hung Him on a cross-Good Friday. The story would seem to end here, and we would think it should, but 3 days later He rose again-Easter-thus proving God's power, God's persistence, and most of all, God's love to us.

And there it is. Did you catch it? Christmas is celebrated because of the fact that God loves us. And He proved His love by His birth which lead to His living a life that lead to a death, that lead to a rescue for the hearts of His children. Move your Kings around a lot more this year, 'cause your nativity scene goes a whole step further now. But that's the truth of it. There really isn't a mystery other than why God loves us. Christmas comes full circle with Easter which is just sooooo big that we had to give it a handful of holidays to handle it all. The funny thing is that God is soooo big, that even all of this can't ever allow us to wrap our minds around the Love that is Christ Jesus.

I love Charlie Brown. I'm aware Box mentioned this in his talk, but I've loved the "Charlie Brown Christmas Special" since I was just a tike. This is the only program on at this time that actually points you in the right direction to what Christmas is really about and doesn't make up some lame answer like going to the Chevy Red Tag Clearence sale. I'm not gonna spoil it for any sad individual who has not experienced such an animated wonder, but take my word that Schultz' heart was in the right place when he created it.

All in all, this Christmas I want you to take a deeper look at what Christmas has and means to you now. And I want you to fully realize why you are celebrating, and I want you to just remember, that when you celebrate Christmas you celebrate Love that goes beyond anything we could ever comprehend. But that's God for you, because He really does love us that much.

As I close, there's a quote I really love from Dr. Suess' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", and while it doesn't flat-out tell you, it makes the point clear that Christmas isn't summed up in a box.
And the Grinch, with his grinch-feet ice-cold in the snow,Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?It came without ribbons! It came without tags!"It came without packages, boxes or bags!"And he puzzled three hours, `till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before!"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store."Maybe Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!"

And what happened then...? Who-ville they say That the Grinch's small heart Grew three sizes that day!And the minute his heart didn't feel quite so tight,He whizzed with his load through the bright morning light And he brought back the toys! And the food for the feast!And he...

...HE HIMSELF...!The Grinch carved the roast beast!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Story Entry #3: Eli

I realize there must be a lot of hype going into this entry, seeing as how it's the finale of my entries as well as the fact that I put a lot of talk into it. Well I'm here to say right now, that writing this, while it may be an official entry, is not for competition, rather I want to show you a side of me you'd otherwise probably not find. Should I lose, then oh well, at least I know I'll be the first in our group to write a book...Yeah. And thus, the story we've all been anticipating.

I cannot tell you how many times I've stared Death in the face...Well alright, maybe I can, but there were a lot of instances in which I merely did or witnessed someone making a 'prank call', if you will, to Death and hanging up before the punchline. Something like that. Anyways one episode of such a caliber was early one morning this past Summer when I was running with my sister Megan. Now it was relatively cool, seeing as how it was only 7 in the morning, and she and I were going at an easy pace. But all the sudden the sun came out and punished everything in its presence with the smoldering effects of such an event. Well Megan had not been properly hydrated and I turned around just to see her collapse. For those of you who don't know, I am extremely close to my sister, and would easily take a bullet for her (not to mention the rest of my family). So you can be sure I was immensely concerned. I immediately picked her up and took her to the nearest house (which fortunately happened to be Carlos') and made sure she was properly hydrated. When she gathered herself together I insisted on calling our parents and getting her to the hospital, but Megan wouldn't have it and insisted she was fine.

Now I don't question that many of you have had encounters very similar to this, but mind you, this is only a set up for my relationship with Death. To tell the whole story I need to give you a quick background on me and Eli (no, not the one from my last story, but a much contrasting friend).

Eli grew up with a hard life from day one. He's constantly shuffled around from drug dealing relatives, criminal background cousins, and with the aggressive presence of gang activity. So how do I know him? Good question. You see, he and I were at another church's youth group for a period of time and I had met him for the first time at a lock-in. The rather unfortunate part of this was that we were both tired and cranky by the conclusion of the event, and I had no clue who this guy was. Needless to say we got off on the wrong foot...In other words he was actually willing to, in a politer term, beat the living tar out of me. Well when I heard that and I heard about his shady background I became rather paranoid having no idea what kind of execution I just ordered.
Skip ahead a few weeks.
We were at a camp retreat one night. Now Eli having a very broken family, had a prayer for his mother during group time. Despite the fact that he and I had become enemies, God compelled me to openly voice a prayer for him and his mother's behalf. After this, much to my amazement, Eli came up to me and gave me a 'cool style' hug* and were cool after that. The very next night, after the service, Eli came to Christ! How awesome is that? There's no question God was mingling in our conflicts just to prove His glory...But then again, what else is new? Let me tell you, ever since then, me and Eli have been very close. I can't tell you how many times we've stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking about God and just solidifying our brotherhood. Which basically he is a brother to me...A Mexican brother, but a brother none the less.
*A huge consisting of a one-arm embrace. The other is in a suave-like hand shake. These elements make-up the very 'gangster' style and popular method amongst most public school students as of 2003.

With that now you know our background. But what you don't know is what we've been through. Upon entering into a friendship with Eli I realized that I wouldn't be so sheltered anymore. This thought came upon me pretty quick when I was over at his house and right outside gunshots went of for a long period of time. Now seeing as how this was my first time in this situation I was very afraid, as I'm sure you can imagine, but it wouldn't be the only time. No, no, no, by the third time I became a slight bit more accustomed to it; bothered of course, that such act of hatred goes on, but understanding of the life Eli lived for 17 years. However, this wasn't the most intense moment in our friendship. That time was one I never wish to repeat again.

Eli's past had a hard time letting go of him, even though he gladly gave it up. There was one night were a group of old enemies of his from Odessa came down to Manchac, Texas looking for him. Fortunately he was over at my house and I was able to get a hold of these guys before anything went down. Even though I didn't lie, I lead them to believe Eli was nowhere to be found in Manchac (which he wasn't for he was safe in Austin) and sent them on there way back to Odessa before they were able to carry through on a death threat. That was a time that demanded much prayer.

And prayer is what's gotten us past all the hazards of his background. Prayer is what has kept him and I together and is what is keeping him safe to this day here in Austin. God has been very loving and gracious with us, and I've been very blessed to have such a friendship.

Now I don't mean to go on much longer. But I just thought you'd like to know a little bit more about yours truly. Alright guys stay out of trouble and congratulations to whoever wins the contest.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Story Entry #2: When The Three Boys Cried

Ah yes, time fore 2 out of 3. I've been trying to think of the perfect 'second-best' story to write for a while, and this one seemed to romance it's way to the blog...Excuse the metaphor.

It was a Friday Night of October-similar to that of the 13th, but it lacked those superstitious qualities in that it was merely a day off from that of so called 'bad-luck'. As I was saying, there was an intense storm brewing early in the evening and would soon be accompanied by the sure thing of thunderous claps and blinding flashes. Well two of my buddies Carlos and Eli were staying over at my house after a Bowie football game (which they actually won, believe it or not). Most of the evening was spent playing Madden, watching Conan, and being three troubled 15-year-olds. Finally, our good time was restrained by the human limitation known as 'being tired', and with that we decided to go get some shut-eye somewhere around 3 in the morning.

Well this storm had been orbiting for a while now and had intensified greatly from the initial arrival, and we were just about to turn off the television when there was a earth-shaking jolt, followed by the immediate surge and loss of power. My first and only response was to just go to sleep and let everything just happen, and so we tried...Kinda.

From the decline of our conversation I realized I was falling into a much needed deep sleep and was quite content when the loudest antagonist of silence clap was heard out-side. I jolted awake and came onto high-alert and was accompanied by Carlos and Eli. Trying to dismiss the impact we calmed eachother down with a conversation of reassurance. But this was in vein for about 30 seconds later we heard and felt a banging impact on the very house we were in. We were convinced someone had just busted down the door...And we were afraid.

Now what would you do in this situation? Well I assure you a brave man like Gordon would simply make a proclamation that he was in the house and the intruder would wet himself and make a dash for the next county; others like Box might sing the 'Aggie War-Hymn' and pretend that A&M will beat Texas and fall asleep.-However, we lacked such courage. Yes, three boys; a wrestler, a 6'2''-200 lb. Basketball player, and a guy with super long hair were about ready to accompany any of Gordon's intruders and wet ourselves very badly. So with that, our reaction was, and I kid you not, to sing 'Amazing Grace' approximately 3 times through. This was concluded by a timid prayer from me asking our dear Heavenly Father for protection. Bravery was a distant thought by this point.

It got worse. Suddenly, we heard the sounds of someone climbing up the stairs in a staggered pace. We could hear death and with each footstep another scene of our previous 15 years was played before our eyes. It was at this point that I, the bravest of the bunch, came up with a plan of retaliation to this tyranny. I conjured up a quick game plan and dug into my closet for 3 of the best improved weapons present. So I handed carlos and Eli my two lightsabers from my childhood and held tightly to my Randall aluminum baseball bat. We were read for this invader, whoever he be. It was at this point that the steps had grown tremendously more violent and with the new-found spurge of adrenaline we flung open the door and leaped out!

The cat just sat there with a questioned stare and a sharp-tongued meow.

We "pretty much" (that was for you Faith and Box) felt like the biggest losers in all of the greater Austin area and tried to calculate what went wrong in the mental process. When the sun came up I checked outside only to find that our knocking down of the front door was a shudder that had escaped during the storm via rather large gusts of wind. With that, all the features of this night were accounted for, that is except for our dignity. In fact, we made a vow that night that we wouldn't dispense this information to anyone...Yeah I kind of broke that just now. But it was in good cause to educate you in such matter. But at least when a real burglar comes in, we'll know what not to do.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Just Call Me "Juan Ricardo"

Note: This does not qualify as an official Story Entry, even though this post alone could probably knock the socks off anything Box or Jason could attempt, I don't wish to enter this particular chapter of my life in the contest. Where as while Colin may have marched with the Penguins and Jason may have proposed in a fish-tank, I had my own reward in seeing God's work done, but I'll get to that later. Thank you.

So let me begin by saying everything happened this weekend. Texas embarrassed OU, David Crowder came to Borders, and there was actually a Sunday at church without Junior Highers (which, if I may say, was pretty upset that that one special weekend off was the one I'd be gone). Yes it was a productive weekend and I assumed a fun one for those who were actually in Austin, but my weekend was completely different. I mean it was like foreign....Oh wait it was, 'cause I was in Mexico, Piedras Negras to be exact.

In case you didn't know, Friday morning I ventured out with literally a group of people I'd never met before and crossed the border to partake in the on-going saga of "GO" ministries. The concept was simple: Go into a small little border town and leave it better than when you entered. The work was not so simple. The car-ride itself wasn't too bad, but I knew this was going to be intense when we stopped for Tacos close to the border, and all that was in mine was a solid pound or so of cow-and it wasn't necessarily cleaned to expectation with questionable ingredients, it was one of those 'Don't ask, just eat' kind of things. During this time I was introduced to what would be my grandma and abuela for the trip who were by all means stereotypical. One was strait out of 'Tuna Christmas' and the other was one of those Spanish, family oriented ladies you see on t.v. and what not. Shortly there-after I'd find myself crossing the line (no pun intended) and being able to say "I'm out of the U.S."

Upon arrival of the small colonia (community) stage one was to become acclimated to our environment. For most this was putting up flyers in Spanish about the clinic we'd start where as for me it consisted of playing futbol (soccer, for you illiterate individuals...Which is sad if you really are) with the local kids or chicos. A good time was had by all and I'm proud to say I had some of my first authentic conversations in Spanish with another person. That night I went to a Spanish-speaking Baptist church back across the border in Eagle Pass, Texas and shared my testimony to a group of people who I'd never met before. But it was awesome, even though as I'm sure most of you fully realize, I cannot stand public speaking and I'm the shyest person you'll ever meet.......Yeah. All of this was the easy part, the next morning would be volumes more important and challenging.

I awoke, ate, and entertained Saturday morning. For all the children, I was there newest toy. Mainly I'd just stand in the middle as they dazzled with their uncanny ability to pelt a soccer ball barefooted or in flip-flops* and have hours of fun running around (they never really seemed to tire down, which was a bigger challenge for me you can be sure). One of our games consisted of kids tossing the ball and me using my head to relay the action. After about 5 minutes of this I realized there will probably be repercussions in my future sending me into an early encounter with Altzheimer's somewhere down life's road. But it was a fun time. Dirty, sweaty, definitely smelly, the kids and I were occupied allowing the adults plenty of time to go through the clinic and receive the proper medical attention needed.
*Some did have shoes I won't lie, but that doesn't really matter seeing as how they could probably be on their knees and with their incredible shape put the fat little American kids to utter shame. This time it's not a question of what they feed them, but the fact that they don't gluttonize and that they actually cherish the ability to be mobile.

One of the things that amazed me about these children was how genuinely happy they were. To be honest they have next to nothing, perhaps a few hand-me-downs from older siblings that received them as hand-me-downs from America, but yet they made the best and didn't allow poverty to stricken them as some would think. They didn't need computers, or television, or Myspace to pass the time, and in a way, they were better for it. There was a sincere joy coming from situations where most American kids would say "I'm bored." In there minds, 'boredom' was the refusal to have fun, and none of them knew such a concept.

The other over-my-head quality was how kind they were. Even if you couldn't speak a lick of Spanish, or in my case, you could only force out broken sentences, they didn't care. All that mattered to them was that you were showing a substantial interest in their life, that you were actually giving them much deserved and needed attention. Most of them are used to not being noticed (which is absolutely horrible) in that either their parents don't have the time to, are gone from their lives, or just didn't care enough to stay and love these children. In this situation a little goes a long way as I'm sure you could imagine. It's heartbreaking, but a definite need that we as the more fortunate can help out with. It was then that I realized why God led me to go on this trip. He needed someone to show a few of His younger children that He loves them all. This time it was through a blonde, super-white kid from Austin. Jars of Clay paints this exact ministry of love very accurately in the song "Show You Love"**, and that's exactly what God wanted from me. That's exactly what the children needed from me.
**Album: Who We are Instead. The verses are significant as you will be able to see, but really key in on the chorus' lyrics.
Speak- say the words that no one else will ever say, Love- love like the world we know is over in a day/I'm gonna show you a love in every language, I'm gonna speak with the words that need no form, I'm gonna give you what you never had before/You're beautiful and I am weakened by the force of your eyes, So shine bright to separate the truth from the lies, I'm gonna show you love//So tie me to a tree and let the smoke and ash collect, No I won't regret to let love do what love will let, We can drown in mixed emotions or walk across an angry sea, This is the cost of being free//.

Once the day concluded the rest of the trip was mainly details. The quick highlights were that I got to lead worship, a capella at that, and I was able to share my experiences with the rest of the group that night. I was able to learn something about worship in Spanish cultures; it doesn't matter how perfect or in-tune it is, the only elements of any value are that it's loud and joyful. In this sense they are one step ahead of most Americans in this area for they realize worship isn't about dynamics, rather it's where the heart and the soul kneel before God's presence and through this meet the Beauty of God's love head-on, thus connecting with Him.

Such an amazing experience. Such an opportunity. Obviously I'm going to say that should you ever find yourself presented to do such, which if I'm correct Box is working that out for in the future, take advantage of a gift God is offering to you. Don't let the enemy frighten you with the barriers of culture and language, and the water there. But instead see how amazing God is by seeing His love shared and expressed from countries other than our own. Guys, believe it or not, there actually IS a world out there that, believe it or not again, God actually created. I'm just blessed to be able to become a part of that one chico or chica at a time.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Story Entry #1: The Art of Dating

So check it out, it was the end of freshman year and I had been going a while without falling for anyone, for the time that was impressive you can be sure. Anyways there in my English class there was this cute girl, who shall remain anonymous, and for some reason because of the banquet (Story #2) I had gotten to know a little more formally.

She was friendly and smart, very pretty, and I was being very flirty (I know, I know, it's hard to believe!). So each day I'd talk to her a little more, and so on and so forth. Well one day we had this class ballot of different titles to give to classmates such as "Drama Queen", or "Most friendly". But the one that got me was "Most Dateable". Well you know who I put down, but the big news was that I learned how she had put my name down for that exact same spot as well.

My heart skipped....

.....Really fast.

Anyways, I made the mistake of telling a less reliable source and that source happened to be a 'Silver Star' with my love-interest. To cut to the point, she told my crush and that was bad, 'cause I hate it when other people tell before I get to do it myself. The good news is that my crush responded with a blush and a smile. The bad news, I had to keep it from being awkward.

So here's the conclusion of the story: When I had heard that she smiled upon hearing my secret, I was very optimistic. I had a swagger in my step that day to English, and nothing would break me....Well, almost nothing.

As I was walking to class I saw my crush in the arms of another guy and wanted to pretty much die at that moment. Most of you have never been fortunate enough to see me embarrassed for I'm rather to stupid most of the time to notice/care, but that was pretty much the Superbowl of anguish right there before 8th period. Yeah, it sucked.

I was recalling the event the next day to my good friend Eli. I remember saying to him "Man, if I had known she was dating someone I would have never had to go through that kind of public humiliation. I mean, did you know she was dating him?"

"Yep." He replied.

What a punk. He knew and he never told me. "What's the deal bud!?!"

"I guess I figured you already figured it out."

Well obviously I didn't. And that's what makes it funny. My own friend knew and never shared that important little detail. Looking back though, I can share a laugh or two for it makes a good story. Me and the girl are friends now-and I have no intentions of hooking-up with her mind you. But it was worth telling. Now TOP THAT!


So in keeping y'all updated, I have found myself at a crossroads. It's not a recent discovery, more something that has been boiling over since the beginning of summer.

As some might already realize, I have been wrestling for quite a while (4 years to be exact). Having said that, it's clear to me that this is a factor in a decision that must be made this year. In about 3 weeks I will I have to decide whether I will choose to pursue my career in wrestling or if I am to go on to other things, most likely music and things of that area.

Again, because I have wrestled for 4 solid years, and have even found myself at the national level once, the dilemma is so hard for me. Should I choose wrestling I will shut the doors on other such opportunities and I'm not sure I'm quite willing to give into that either.

Why would I choose music? Well I have found so far in my trying to understand the ancient language, that when I am involved in music, and most importantly worship, I feel the closest to God as I can ever be. I feel that when I'm worshiping I'm standing right next to God and there are no limitations to our relationship. I feel like nothing else matters, like the world has no control on my life. Music in general has opened my thinking and perspective to a whole new level. It's given me the ability to be bold, to be optimistic, even clever.

Why wrestling? The past 4 years have shaped who I am today. Through the countless hours drilling, sweating, bleeding, at times even crying, I've gained a discipline that cannot be mocked. I have gained self-respect and learned the true value of winning. I can in many ways evaluate and predict the psychological, and I see when I am relied on when it's most important that I succeed. I have no question that I would not be the person I am today had it not been for the sport. As far as a spiritual connection, God has given me confidence and the ability to stand up for what I believe in. Never once have I looked back and thought what would have happened had I gone another way.

Perhaps you see why I've lost sleep over this issue many nights in a row at times. Maybe you have a better view of something I debate daily. All I ask is that you could keep me in your prayers. I have no question God will use one of these roads to further His glory through me, but I am very in the dark as to which one. Oh why must there be life decisions?

A pic of me last year wrestling...Yeah that was against Austin High you Maroons. And I beat him.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Embracing the Red Rubber Ball

Ah, it's Dodgeball season, and all is well with the world. Whether you're failing a class, in debt by a thousand dollars, or about to be hauled off to jail, how can you be upset with Saturday fast approaching?

Now I'm assuming the vast majority of you has selected that one person that you want to hit with a ball the most {cough Josh cough}, and that's fine {cough Josh cough} as long as you realize that this is only a game {cough Josh cough}. But whether you're throwing the ball or on taking a hit in the face (which is illegal of course) you will have a fantastic time.

I'd like to address your attention for a moment to Jake's wrap up of the latest series. I've informed all of you that the gears have been shifting and forcing me to reevaluate where I am spiritually, but since then I've adopted a new sample of though: With where I am spiritually, how is that affected where other's around me are spiritually? Have I been doing my part as a trendsetter, as a Christian? Some of you might already realize this, but let me tell you that people really do look to us as Christians to put their lives in perspective. They really do watch you like a hawk when they notice you're not like the world. For some odd reason to them, you're different, and they are attracted to that.

With that you must recall what Jake said about in whatever you do, give it your best. That is so true, another first hand perspective from myself. Whether it's sports, music, school, whatever, if you succeed at something then other's will notice and respect you for that. With this God gives us a 'crowbar' if you will to get involved in others' lives, thus creating a chance to reveal God's love. All of this could happen by showing them how to solve that Algebra problem, or helping them with their free throw, or (cough hitting Josh with a dodgeball cough}, etc. Don't limit yourself to mindful boundaries for God is beyond our ability to comprehend therefore there are no limitations with Him.

I want to apologize for not staying up to date with y'alls' blogs, but I've been swamped lately and hardly have time to scope out our very own Youth Pastor's. But don't think I don't care about your updates, on the contrary I find them most exciting. Alright, well I need to bring this to a close. For your entertainment is a picture of me back a year ago in another intense Dodgeball tournament. Enjoy.
Remember: Dodge, Dive, Dip, Duck, and Dodge.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A Sitcom this Life is Not

Currently I've found myself in a constant series of thinking, a good trait you can be sure. I suppose this was brought about by the recent advancements in my book and also in Box's latest series. I have been evaluating where I stand as a Christian, and the very setting of which I am placed. As of late the God has given me a truth that is "up in my face", I'm no longer protected from what the vicious world.

I say this as though it's a surpsise to me, for quite frankly it is. I've indulged the idea that life was still being spoon-fed to me and that there was no reason to look at the scenerio seriously, but that's obviously not the truth. It was only a week or so ago when two of my buddies from our little inner-circle at school spoke of going off and joining in a very distasteful act (due to the age of some of the readers, I will not inform you with this) and all the sudden it hit me...I'm growing up, and this is what the world is really like.

The points that Jake has brought up these past two weeks have been dead-on to what I've been experiencing and felt. So with that, I've spent the past week in my quiet time talking with God about whether or not I am where I should be in the influence of my friends. The shamed asnwer is that I could be doing better. I could always be doing better, yet for some reason I pretend things aren't as they seem and that everything will get better within 30 minutes just like in 'The Brady Bunch' or 'Happy Days'. These fantacies have been casted aside over the last few days, and I've all the sudden realized the amount of responcibility that God has placed before me. Guys, there's no way around it, I have a ministry in the lives of the people at James Bowie High School and I just couldn't call myself a Christian if I didn't take the oppurtunities God has placed before me.

I'm sorry for the serious tone but this is something that has been layed upon my heart. However I promise you the next one is going to be a lot funnier and brighter, so look forward to that one. Until next time guys, take to heart what Box is saying, I know he's a wierd guy and sometimes he sings kinda funny too, but God's giving him some good stuff. Alright, that's it for right now, take care.

Monday, August 28, 2006

So Finally I Shaved....

No no my friends, your eyes do not deceive you. I have truly done away with my wooly days, for the moment. And I must say, it feels pretty good. I can't remember the last time I could feel a breeze or the hot Texas sun beat down on my baby-smooth face. Truly a pleasant feeling. Ah yes, I have missed these days for a while. Anyways, I realize that the majority of y'all will not get to see this dramatic change until Sunday or so, therefore I have decided to post the following picture taken the day of my shave (this past Thursday) before calm before the storm of 'The Face formerly known with a Beard'. Oh yeah, I got my hair trimmed too, but it's not quite as big a change as the whole beard part, so yeah.
(Before the Shave)

Having said all of that, this week has been a casual stroll back into the routine. I have familiarized myself with all my teachers and classes, discovered for what to watch out for what to watch, and I've been having a good time doing it. Above all things though I hope my influence has truly been a positive one reflecting Christ-like love, but in this matter there is always room for improvement. I just want to be able and say at the end of the year I made my time at Bowie worth it and made a difference. To this I rely on God, and to Him alone...And maybe also a bit on my closer friends.

Life is good...Frustrating for moments at a time, but never the less it's good. I look forward to hopefully attending the mission trip to Piedras Negras, I want to be able and make a positive impact globally and Christian-like. Finally my Spanish will be put to good use. But seriously though, I am very much excited to be a part of what God's doing anywhere in the world, and I think this will be a great opportunity to strengthen my Walk.

Well other than the daily running to school, going through 8 periods strait, and then the allotted study time at home, I find that school is very fun...In fact, if it weren't for the homework, I would absolutely love school...If only it weren't for the homework. Alright you crazy kids, you need to stop reading and attend to your studies and whatnot, so I'm going to bring this one home. In the mean time, please remember, Trix are for kids.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Good Ol' School Days

Indeed it's that time of year again. The craziness of NFL, the final stretch of MLB, the return to school, and a chance to go see a movie with snakes...Not really that last part. But yeah you get the point-schools back, and this year, school is cool.

Let me tell ya, this week has been a great start for me personally. I have all the classes I wanted filled with several of my friends, some good teachers here and there, everything is just dandy...Except for the whole no lunch deal, that's kind of a bummer but oh well. But guys I just gotta say, this is going to be an awesome year. Tuesday through Thursday were "eh", but Friday made a stunning entrance in that everything is going my way, for the moment.

This morning I awoke at 6 am and ran to school, later I would clean up and go into my cabaret audition (which went very well I think) singing 'Friend Like Me' from 'Aladin', then to a wrestling meeting, and finally I concluded my day with 8 hours strait and no lunch. Now to some that might sound like a bad thing, but for me its character building. For some reason when I'm busier I perform better, thus my commitment to school and grades has been as high as ever. Now I have no intentions of boring you anymore with the details of my week, but just make sure you know that it was awesome. And in case you missed that, I'll type it again.........It was awesome.

Now while school is fun, it still has no shot of being compared to the awesomeness of 'Great Adventure', but hey you can still have number 2 right? I think I'm gonna bring this one to a conclusion here, but first I gotta tell you that the book is coming along nicely and it won't be long before y'all can read it. Until next time, Praise God, or else you'll make Baby Jesus cry, and that's not cool at all.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Serventhood: A Humble Way of Saying "God Loves You"

Well I feel that the time is adequate to update y'all with the details of my life. So in saying that, the biggest thing to mention is that I'm in a world of stress for the moment. I realize this won't be a factor for very long and that in no-time I'll be back to my typical Seanzy self, but I just ask that for the moment you'd pray for me this week.

I really don't feel it's necessary for me to tell you my issues and that's okay for I know God's got it under control. I will tell you though that the enemy is relentless and is using not only my past, but issues of the present to try and break me down. I accept this challenge knowing that it won't work this time for God is too good to me and has been awesome keeping me positive. None the less, a little prayer goes a long way.

Having said that, I'd like to bring you up to date with a slightly brighter reflection of the week which was great in that I was able to serve someone else. The best part was being able to serve alongside a few of my Christian brothers/sisters/friends and showing God's love. Spending a few days at Bowie and Small wasn't just rewarding in the fact that I was able to select the exact location of my locker for the upcoming year, but also in that when you serve others you are left with a humbled feeling of pride. A confusing concept I know, but bear with me here. Humble in that you've lowered yourself for the benefit of those who normally you wouldn't go out of your way for if you weren't a Christian, and proud in that you are apart of the greatest love story ever told: God's love for all.

There were times this week when I wanted to snap and chew people out for the smallest things, and sadly I feel as though I succumbed to some of that anger, but for the most part, many of y'all were there to keep it positive and uplifting in the way Christian brothers and sister would do such a thing. I love all of you guys and I just wanted y'all to know how much your sense of humor, guidance, patience, and love means to me. Simple as that.

It's interesting going back to school. I'm not extremely enthusiastic about it, but at the same time I am anticipating it. For the first time since I can remember, I have a real drive to try and succeed when it comes to grades and school in general. But it doesn't just stop there, also, I'm excited and ready to go out and take all the opportunities God lays before me to spread His love and His good news. But before all of that I have to finish reading this book for school.

Closing thoughts: To all of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, you are all amazing, and let God bless you throughout this week. I love y'all.

p.s. A little treat for your viewing pleasure...Now who does Eric remind you of?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Praises to a King

So last night I attended the 'Concert of Praise' therefore making my first experience in the Great Adventure complete.

I must say, coming into this summer I was skeptical about the whole concept of Great Adventure. I've had some brushes with failed VBS weeks and so really I thought this was overkill. But none the less, I participated, having some curiousity to what everyone already knew to be a meaningful and rewarding experience. I'll be flat out honest, it was one of the most Amazing experiences I've ever felt in my life. Seeing those children excited to learn about Jesus, seeing the numbers of decisions to recieve Christ, seeing the aftermath of what we worked so hard for. It makes you want to cry and praise God all at the same time. I'm pretty sure there was an equal share of both.

One of the best things about last night, was seeing Jeremy again. Seeing the loving, happy kid he's become. That's truely God, nothing else can be said. If it wasn't for me lifting and holding all the little ones upside down, I might have stopped and filled up with tears. But you can be sure I had my hands full with the distractions of all the younger Leydens and whatnot.

The point of all this is that God is Awesome. His love is something to continually praise like we did last night. I realize that it'll be harder to get into that kind of a mood when the school years starts, but it's something we should strive for anyways, for God is good and His love never diminishes.

Having said all this, I came across a video which really touched me. I had heard the story before of a severely mentally challenged young man who wanted to compete in a triathalon, so his father trained extra hard to be able to take both of them threw the whole race. This touching story is just one of many that proves with God anything can be accomplished, just like The Great Advenutre.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Swimming for 'Dippin' Dots'

With a much needed trip to Schlitterbahn comes a much needed review of events from Your's Truely. In the midst of all the water, sunburn, food, and fellowship a lot of fun was had (by all, dare I say it). It wasn't just a trip to Shlitterbahn it was The Trip to Schlitterbahn!...Okay, maybe that's a little over the top, but you get the idea. There's something about hanging out with people from our church that just makes it even better.

The day started off with a bang...litterally, as one of our own in the caravan blew a tire. Fortunately the minivan was steered to safety and nobody sustained injuries. Hope was still not diminished for Gordan was there, and let's face it, that guy could manhandle a lion. So before long the situation was temporarily sustained. It was at this point in time when I noticed that the beginning Jake Box's day was singing flat, so I took the initiative to cheer him up. It wouldn't be long before he was singing a sweeter song.

Thus the moment came when we arrived at the German-named water park. Spirits were high, and laughter could yet again be heard...again, I realize the over-kill. First thing was first, I needed to get wet. So in our little Fellowship of 7 set out to enjoy the first part of the day and destroy the one ring symbolizing the arrival of scho**.

Lunch passed and at this point it was time to venture the Torrent and place a fierce game of tag. This was the innitiation of our little 7th graders, and it was fantastic. The rest of the day was basically sheer fun as was the first half and the details are sketchy, but other than waiting in line for 2 hours on the Master Blaster, all was well. But the key point here is I enjoyed 'Dippin' Dots' for the first time in my life. I am officially now ready to go see Jesus, but I guess I'll stay for the time being.

The day wouldn't find itself complete before I performed my hand motions to various songs on the radio on the car ride home, all of this done just to say to summer "We're not finished yet!" Yes, we made a valiant stand against the merciless arrival of scho**, and a great time it was. Now I realize this really isn't one of my better posts, and for that I apologize. Rest assure though, I will come back with a much wittier and better prepared piece of literature. But until next time, take it from me, use sunscreen.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Beards Are Itchy: A Summary of My Trip to Arkansas

I tell you the truth, these lips...Or fingers won't lie, I have been working on my beard for the past two weeks. I did this simply because I found myself in the 'Natural State' for a week and thought it would help me blend in. Now you can laugh and poke fun at the lack of size my proud little beard is but none the less, it is no longer just 'peach fuzz'. Here's a picture to prove its existence:

Now the wrap up of Arkansas isn't that I've been growing a beard, however you might thing the excitment doesn't get much better than that, I will assure you rather that there is some more pizazz than stereotyped. Why, I'll have you know that I went horse-back riding (which, beleive it or not, I alread knew how to do), almost went to see Jesus via a four-wheeler, learned how to ice-skate for the second time, had plenty of time to reflect and write thoughts on life down in a book I'm writing, and watch a lot of 'Everybody Loves Raymond'. Top that!

I will not lead you astray, Arkansas is nothing worth comparing to the Promise Land of Texas, but it's a nice, sleepy, little part of the country that has view that's pleasent to take in. In this small state, I went to the even smaller area of Damascus-no relation to Biblical references. One of the coolest parts of this trip was that I got to catch up and hang out with an old friend of mine who is from Austin as well. During this vacation, I had plenty of time to focus and work on writing. As I mentioned earlier, I started my book, which is nowhere near ready. But for the sake of sport, I'll tell you that is has to do with my Middle School years and I've completed the prolouge and first chapter. To be honest, I really shouldn't even be mentioning it, but whatever.

I'm making a point to keep this post rather short and upbeat to compensate for the last one which was a little intense even for me to write. In the end the week was long and short at the same time, four-wheelers can hurt if not careful, and 'Raymond' is still funny even in re-runs. So until next time, remember(for you guys) to shave your facial hair consistantly or else it's gonna get scraggly and itchy.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Beauty of a Child's Heart, the Beauty of a Father and Son (Summer is No Longer Taken in Stride but in Faith)

Without trying, I have completely toppled the very basis of what I intended to be my finest literary work...and the inspiration was given to me through the profound simplicity of children.

I am awestruck because my understanding of true beauty has yet again been humiliated by what God merely tinkers at everday. In other words, I have no universal clue what our Heavenly Father can do. I know you're saying "Duh Sean, now what gave you that obvious idea?". Well, with a great smile I will gladly tell you.

So I walk out of Family Christian bookstore carrying my bag of 'B Collision', 'Grace Like Rain', and another profound book of Donald Miller (all generously recieved through the gift of $30 in gift cards) and as I pop in my newly claimed prize composed by the 'David Crowder Band' specifically the acoustic reindition of 'Wholly Your's' the tiny composite gears in my mind start to turn. I am truely amazed. Through these innocent children, God demonstrates His love for me by demonstrating it to a boy named Jeremy.

Jeremy was in my second Backyard Bible Club every day this past week. He's a typical little boy about to attend 3rd grade who is more interested in dunking Josh in a tub of water than thinking about any girl...for the moment. None the less, he's fun to be around. However, he didn't know Salvation. And for that week, he struggled with the idea that Jesus loved him enough to die. But none of these demons could stand beside Divinity as God opened this boy's beautiful heart. Prior to the club on thurday, at precisely 2 a.m., Jeremy's mother made the most important decision in her life and accepted Christ. About 9 and a half hours later Jeremy did the same.

Is this not enough to place a tear in your eye? Well let me add on. The following day, what I saw, was not that 3rd grade boy named Jeremy, but I saw my little brother. One who shared nothing more than a mutual relationship given by the taking of blood. He is now my little brother in Christ. And that next day, you didn't need sight to see the change God had given him. I can honestly say I love Jeremy, he may not realize it, but when I asked for a hug and he gave it back, I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry like I'm trying...........Like I am crying right now. Crying out of charismatic beauty. Everything I have been working for, everything I have valued, everything I have dedicated myself to, has all been yielded to this little boy's commitment to a better life leading to a better alternative.

And as I reflect on the week, I see that it wasn't just Jeremy, but seeing the eyes glow as Jason (a soon-to-be 8th grader) really got to hear how much my Abba loves him. It wasn't just Jason hearing what he hadn't ever make sence to him, but seeing the growth in my good friend Josh's life, seeing him step up and watching him preview the amazing Man of God I know he will one day be. And guys, it wasn't just Josh's maturity, but it was countless other beauties that only a child can make us (at times) over confident teenagers and adults realize. It was seeing that even though I was suppossed to be teaching these kids, God was teaching me. And he did it with 4 year olds.

I pick up my new copy of 'To Own a Dragon' by Donald Miller (a book that shares Miller's experiences about growing up without a father) and reflect on a lengthy but yet fruitful conversation with an employee named Justen at 'Family Christian Bookstore' and the past week layed before me. Finally, several things God had been trying to tell me for the better part of 15 years made sense. These children, this child-me, I knew what it was. So after about 10 minutes of riding in the car with my earthly dad I gather my thoughts of how fortunate I am and unleash my feelings. I say the words I never say to this man enough,
Dad, I love you.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Swashbucklers, Superheros, and Seanzy

So here we are in the dog-days of summer. My appetite for the freedom from school is now on a diet, and dare I say it, I'm bored. I've found myself in this state of monotony tedium multiple times within these latter days. So what does Seanzy do when he's bored? Here's a nice little quiz to get those creative juices flowing:

Do I...?
a)Hang out with friends
b)Hang out/flirt with girls
c)Go do recreational things such as watch major summer movies
d)Dude, all of the above for sure!

If you answered d) then you've successfully stated the obvious. So yeah, lately I've been filling my time with these variables. And out of all of this, I've seen two really shnazzy movies. The first of which was the much needed Return of Superman. Let me just say, that movie blew me away. I was in a trance of adrenaline-paced excitement after watching that. I wanted to grow up to be Superman, actually Batman but oh well.

And let me tell you, just when I didn't think that another movie this summer could compare, 'POTC: Dead Man's Chest' left me flat out flabbergasted, making me wish upon a star that I was a Pirate like the incredible Captain Jack Sparrow. I am greatly anticipating the final instalment in this awesome trilogy of 'Savy' entertainment. Also, I find Keira Knightley to be really really really really really attractive....Moving right along.

So now that all of those feelings of cinematic content are out of my system, I want y'all (there's that darn southern drawl again) to know my interest pertaining to next week. Backyard Bible Clubs and Summerfest, it already sounds like a blast, even though I have no idea what its like. None the less, I'm looking forward to it. I could go on longer, but I'd rather not, for I have much more to tell you in my later writings in the "Taking Summer in Stride" series. So enjoy this video of Josh...It makes me smile, and until next time, just stay out of trouble you crazy kids.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Taking Summer in Stride Part 2

It's about that time, the time in which I update all of my loyal readers on the current events pertaining to my life, despite the lack of comments given to my prior post...Oh no, I'm not bitter....punks (that was a joke).

So as of last week, I found myself seeking shelter and building a smoldering fire in the upheld tradition known as "Boot Camp". Actually, the only hardships I had to endure were the antics of 13 year old boys dancing around in their sleep-wear at 7 in the morning, being abused by a tree, and simmering in a car that is not acquested to air conditioning both there and back. Other than that, I'd say it was relatively easy.

Easy. Accept for the numerous hours spent drilling and perfecting curriculum that had been layed out for us quote on quote "captains" for a few months (which really no-one prepared for until they got there...of course). But really, other than that. It was easy.

Before this turns into a complete pessimistic campaign, I want to make sure that all of you realize the real importance of that week. It's nothing that could have been evaluated, let alone improved on, for it was a beautiful moment. One that could not easily be reproduced. Some may say "Define 'beauty'.", and in that I will.

To me, when a group of umpteen teenagers who up to this point rarely even acknowledged other various members of the church, all the sudden come together in prayer as the brothers and sisters that we are and truely love eachother, it is nothing short of beauty. I can't remember the last time I had a moment as happy as that one.

Another amazing moment I experienced was the worship we all joined in on wednesday night. I never feel better than when I'm giving my all in praising God, and at the moment, my "all" was nothing short of infinite beauty (and I must say, both of which I had to borrow from God). It was awesome. And I don't mean that as the way Bill and Ted would describe a shell containing 4 peanuts, but rather in how you explain anything God does that can't be summed up...So I say it again, Awesome!

I would like to go on for a few more paragraphs about this feeling that is captivating me, and may I mention it is nothing less than divine, but I have many things to adress (for instance, a good friend of mine who just accepted Christ). But to hold y'all (for you northerners, that's the Texan term for 'you all') over until next time, here is a picture of me from a more suave-like time in my life.

Also, enjoy this geography project I made, it's sure to bring a smile to your face. Alright, until next time, stay classy kids.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Taking Summer in Stride Part 1

I would give a simple synopsis of my life, but I feel that it will require a multitude of paragraphs to examine these past few months.

So I am no longer a fish...not that freshman year was that big of an obstacle, but there is a certain pleasant sensation that one is overcome with when they become a sophmore.

Sophmore year, to what challenges and expectations will I face? Well I do believe one is the withdrawl of lunch from my schedule. Why do I do this? Well the answer is simple, I'm either an idiot or ambitious...sometimes it's hard to distinguish the two in my life.

But enough of the ramblings of school, after all, I am trying to entertain my small audience of loyal online church "bloggers"...Place cynical/sarcastic remark here_____. But one thing I don't want to do is make this post come across negative, so let's pull some ideals, shall we?

First off, there's a good chance my dad and I will be flying up to Seattle sometime this summer, and with that there's a good chance that I will yet again encounter the couple commonly referred to as "Troy and Stevi", but being the rebel I am I will call them "Stevi and Troy" (nothing against Troy by the way).

But before I get to plunder my way through hoards of salmon and Matt Hassleback jerseys, I will brave the south-eastern frontier known as Arkansas. Again, "why?" probably comes to mind, so let me tell you. Because my family has close friends living in the lesser known city of Damascus (and no, not the one sharring billing with Syria). So what does this mean for Seanzy?!?...I'm really not too sure. But last time I was there I got to ride a few horses, so give or take I'll readopt my cowboy ways for a week. Hi-ho Silver!

All this will be mixed in with my prior plans of participating in what you Hill Country Biblians of past call "The Great Adventure". So it'll be interesting to see what takes place during a HCBC summer. And I love how everyone knowns all about this except for it will be exciting? I hope so/think so.

We'll if you're still reading this then you certainly are a good sport, and if you found this at all intriguing then you can look forward to some more updates to my summer placed variously through out June, July, and August in my blog series known as "Taking Summer in Stride" as said at the top. But until next time, enjoy this hilarious clip of Eric from "Boy Meets World".

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Wonderboy: Boy of Wonder (My superhero story written last year)

Wonderboy: Boy of Wonder
by Sean Richards

Down in the hard streets of ATX, a lot of bad stuff happens, and sometimes it gets out of hand. When this happens, what’s a city gonna do? That’s when Wonderboy shows up.

Who is Wonderboy you ask? Well not too many people know, but he’s one cool funky dude. He has many powers that enable him to whoop some serious booty. One of them is to fly, another is his lightening speed, and he has telekinesis. He’s the eighth wonder of the world (Carlos thinks that there are eight to start with, but we all know Carlos has his issues, so we’re not going to listen to him). Basically, Wonderboy is so good, that Jack Black himself wrote a song about him.
Now in being a superhero, he always has an evil nemesis. This time he had to start off by facing Barto and his Dirty Vatos. Barto is one of the dirtiest, badest Sanchez you’ll ever meet. With his Vatos he takes over single schools at a time with his uncanny ability to set things on fire. This time he was trying to take over Bailey, and he would have been successful if it weren’t for Wonderboy.

Disguised as a janitor, Barto managed not only to gain access to the school but to befriend and deceive a good innocent man named Jerry. He too was a janitor.
One day Barto went into the office in order to find out the secret identity of Wonderboy. When all the sudden a hall monitor named Mr. Mathews tried to stop him, Barto sent a wave of heat towards Mathews and knocked him out. Jerry couldn’t believe his eyes, but none the less he sent an S.O.S. sign big enough to be seen from the clouds. That’s when Wonderboy saw it. Immediately he flew to Bailey only to find that the school was now heavily guarded by the Dirty Vatos. So using his amazing stealth and lightening speed, he managed to get inside, only having to take out one of the Vatos.

When he saw Barto, the office had already been engulfed with flames. So Wonderboy thought fast and using a combination of speed and telekinesis, he managed to quiet the fire, but now he got Barto’s attention. Wonderboy noticed the innocent men Mr. Mathews and Jerry knocked on the floor, so out of anger Wonderboy went and kicked a little Chihuahua named Pepe that Barto had with him. Barto loved that dog, so out of anger began shooting huge blasts of fire towards our young hero. As fast as they were, Wonderboy was too quick, and he was so quick that he managed to sneak up behind Barto and poor a bucket of water on the dirty Sanchez, for it was Barto’s dirtiness that gave him power and he couldn’t stand to be clean. Barto’s only response was “Hey you stupid little white boy, what did you do that for?!?”

Now Wonderboy being a man of little words simply responded with “Because, you smell like Taco Bell.”

With that Wonderboy put Barto in a garbage bag and threw him in the dumpster, taking out the trash.

Just when everything was going good, one of Wonderboy’s worst enemies stepped out of the shadows. It was none other than the notorious Dr. Nazi, the worst German bad guy since Hitler. Dr. Nazi had super strength, laser vision, and the ability to eat strudel while shaving in the mirror. There was no doubt that Dr. Nazi was one of Barto’s allies. He too hated Wonderboy.

“Shnell! Shnell! It is Vonderboy! Come boys, ve must finish this fool! Quickly, kill him!” Then he started saying words in German not suitable to listen to.

So with that, Dr. Nazi and his little band of Hitler Youth, as well as what was left of the Vatos, began shooting at Wonderboy. The Nazis saying things in German like “Hogga noga heeganoff!” (Which probably roughly means “shoot him, shoot the white guy that’s American”?)
And the Vatos saying “Pick up your gats and ice this fool. Hurry up and cap him!” (Now since I don’t speak Gangster, I’m not too sure what that means. But Carlos here tells me it means “kill him”)

Now Wonderboy was outnumbered 100 to one. But that was no problem, after all his name is Wonderboy. So he used is super speed to get out of the way and used his telekinesis to make all the bullets go back into the gun that fired it and explode the chamber. Then he called for Mr. Johlke who came out and busted up all the Nazis and Vatos, but this story is not about him.
In the midst of all the chaos, Dr. Nazi ran out into those ever so cold suburban streets of Shady Hollow. But that was no problem for Wonderboy who flew right up behind him and dropped kick him to Utah.

When Wonderboy returned, he was greeted by the applause and cheers of the whole school that had been held captive. As for the Nazis and Vatos, they served their restitution. The Nazis went on the change their customs from Jew haters to Amish body builders, and the Vatos changed their names to the Compadres, while attending Harvard and starting up the most successful lawn mowing service ever, if I may add; in this proving that not just white people can go to Harvard. Now for Barto, he turned from his evil ways and kept his full time job as a janitor. Dr. Nazi eventually converted to Mormon and now owns a chain of hotdog stands in greater Utah.

Yes, good had been done this day all thanks to the heroics of Wonderboy. But before anyone could thank him he flew up into the sky until the next time tyranny would dare to show its face.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Abba....What's the deal?

Be all my hopes, be all my dreams. You're my delight, my EVERYTHING. And I will worship You Lord, only You Lord.... And It's just You and me here now, only You and me here now.
This has been so true for me. I find that this little adventure called life continually becomes more and more difficult as time goes on. And in my most recent of months, I've been constantly contemplating all the events that have happened in my ever so short 15 years God has presented me so far.

This year more than ever, I've found myself scrambling to find a foothold, bouncing around spiritually, emotionally, and physically (the ever so draining cutting of weight), all the while questioning the very basis in which I live my life-my faith. I was at my all time lowest point, and fealt absolutely horrible earlier this year. And life just seemed to keep on trucking over and over, each impact worse than the last. Why was I being shaken? Why was I loosing faith? These demons haunted my mind all the more day after day.
I have always been raised in believing that Jesus is the Lord, and I have always accepted that He watches out for me. But to say that I didn't forget these essential bits of knowledge would be a flat out lie. During these un-earthly hardships, I decided that I was screwed....And a fool that made me.

During my time that I would like to label as "Sean's Journey as an Idiot" I was given exactly the one thing I had feared to loose-time. I evalutated everything that had happened, and tried to understand why it happened. And after this element of backtracking, I finally realized that the very root of my suppossed "missfortunes" were in fact, homemade. God had never left me. He was, and still is my Abba.
And I'll tell you, one month of living with all that selfish crap was intollerable for me. How could I have ever been so blind to the obvious facts that my life wasn't bad at all, in fact, I had no scratches worth note compared to others'. I have a loving family, I found an awesome church, I have great friends, and most of all, I found growth.
So to truely answer the question known as "Why?" I'd have to be God Himself. So in this everlonging expedition driven by God's compassion, I will continually ask myself "Why?". And I will continually be reminded of the fact that I didn't created the universe. So I'll have to retort to that question with "Why not?".

I'm not sure where I'm ultimately going to end up in life. But I know that wherever it is my Abba (litteral Arab translation for daddy-and yes, I call God Daddy) still understands me, and knows best. And knowing that is such a joy. For my passion for it all as been excellerated and I have found comfort in my Abba.

And so it begins...

O.K., so I know how the whole blog deal works. I've had one before on both xanga and myspace accounts. However, I find that most of the people that read them have a more materialized view on them seeing as how I have created blogs on two fad websites. So because of this, I wanted to make one that I could really get deep about (with the occasional shallow topic usually pertaining to sports) that my Christian brothers and sisters could read and give me feedback.

So with this, I hope that y'all enjoy, for I try to make my writing entertaining. But I think most of all I wanted to post my deepest darkest secrets in the confidentiality of the entire world wide web, but yet I dare not let my parrents pry into my personal matters (in case you missed it, that was a joke). So as I try to explain the way I see things, with the obvious Chrstian swang on things, I hope this won't prove to be a complete waste of my time.